Out of all the SOPA games...
Even though I do not personally support SOPA online piracy is still a very serious issue. I think people misunderstand that governments aim was not to censor the internet, nut to protect it from illegal or stolen content.
Is it so wrong to want to catch thieves who pirate illegal content ever single day?
SOPA is not the answer, but it's a start in the right direction. You make fun of it but I don't see you offering any other solutions. How would you like it if you made some million dollar tv show and some online hacker pirated and sold several of your shows?
Out of all the SOPA games I found this one, by far, to be the most ludicrous excuse for a protest. If you don't want SOPA what do you want? Do you want people to get ripped off instead? Do you want pirates? I know I don't.